What do YOU want from me?

I’m going to be busy moving for the next few days and as I get things running back in San Diego I’d like to focus my reborn biz on your needs and wants. In order to do that, I need to know them. So, I thought I’d ask: what do you want from me?

Okay, that’s a pretty open question, but I think it’s best to start that way. I want to know what services you’d like from me. I’d like to know what things you’d be willing to pay for, of course, but also what you expect to get from me gratis. What are your expectations? Here are a few slightly more specific questions to get you thinking…

What specific issues or topics would like like me to cover here on the blog?

What could I add to the app to make you pony up for it?

Would you like me to come to your burg and give a talk? If so, on what topics?

What sort of information would you like on the soon-coming legal site I’m working on?

Would you like me better as a blonde?
(just making sure you’re paying attention…)

Feel free to post comments below or shoot me a private email at leslie at burnsautoparts.com if you’d rather not have the world know what you want.

2 Replies to “What do YOU want from me?”

  1. I know you’ve gone to Phoenix to do presentations, but we Tucsonans are feeling a bit neglected. So, why don’t you come over here and do one? You’ve always wanted to experience 110 degree heat, now haven’t you?

  2. I’d love to speak in Tucson (and PHX again). I’d rather wait and do it when it’s not 100+ though. I have no ability to stand the heat. 🙂

    Give me the contact info for your local creative group there and I’ll see what I can arrange.

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