Until 2007…

One last post for 2006…yes, a bit early but that’s because our offices are closed for the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

It’s been a great year for me. I got to meet and work with all sorts of amazing creatives, to lecture to even more, and my business has grown. I’ve got this blog and I’m doing podcasts. My first book came out, and people found it helpful. I’m lucky. And deeply grateful to all of you for making this possible. Thank you.
At the end of the year it’s easy to look back, and that’s a good thing to do. Take some time to think about where you were in January, 2006, and go back to 2005, ’04, etc.  Look at where you are now through the lens of who you were then. You’re probably more successful than you realize.

Take a moment to pat yourself on the back. You’re making your living as a creative professional–that’s a rare and wonderful thing. Remember your gift, honor your talent, and have a successful and joyous 2007.