
At the beginning of the year quite often a businessperson’s thoughts turn to planning. And that’s a good thing. It’s a smart idea to think about what your goals are for the year and start plotting ways to achieve them. For example, if you want to make $X (a specific amount), how will you make that happen? What are the steps? Breaking goals down into small, schedule-able events will turn those goals into reality. Works for things you don’t like, too, or things you just have to get done (like paying your quarterly taxes–why not put those dates and reminders into your calendar today?).

Planning also helps you to see what direction your business is moving in. It gives you the opportunity to stop reacting and start being pro-active (though I loathe that buzzword, it is accurate here).

It’ll also help you to feel less overwhelmed and more in control. When you’re a small businessperson it’s easy to feel like there is just too damn much to do to do what you want to do. When you plan it out, you can see how to make both the stuff you “hafta” do and the stuff you “wanna” do fit. It also helps you to see the stuff you can dump because you don’t really “hafta” do it after all.

If you need help in this area, don’t forget about the Monthly Maintenance packages. A little coaching to get you on-track might be just the jump-start you need.

Here there’s no exception to the planning–a busy year awaits and I’m trying to make sure it all happens as best befits my business, my clients, and me.

In 2007 I’ll be doing a fair amount of traveling, most importantly for a series of speaking events in April and May. The details aren’t finalized yet (stay tuned) but if you’re in one of the cities I’ll be visiting, you’ll have the opportunity not only to meet me, but to ask me your burning marketing and business questions! I’ll also be offering one-on-one consultations. Don’t miss you chance to pick my brain in person!

Additionally, I’ll be keeping up with the podcasts and the manuals (have you signed up for Free Manuals in Your Email yet?) and working on my new book on marketing (no title as yet) as well as the audio version of my first book (which is taking much longer than originally projected–see, even we pros have things go amiss!).

And, of course, I’ll be working with my clients, without whom I wouldn’t be able to do any of this (THANKS!). If you’re interested in working with me one-on-one, why not contact me today?