PDN Consultation

Some of you may have noticed in your July PDN that there were a couple of mentions of an online video with a real consultant working with a real photographer. Yes, that consultant would be me and the photographer was Jamie Kripke.

Those videos (there are actually 3–an hour on the phone is too long for one online video) are now live. You can find them here. In them we go over his website and his book, with an eye to attracting more advertising clients. Of course the videos are edited, but a lot of the meat is still there. Jeanine Fijol did a really good job with the project. I hope you enjoy!

2 Replies to “PDN Consultation”

  1. Thanks for the heads up on this Leslie.

    I just got done redesigning my website using WordPress and was interested in watching this, but could never find it on their website.

  2. Don’t know why but I’m getting good sound on part 2 but part 1volume is so low as to not be useful.

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