ASMP Minneapolis/St. Paul is kindly bringing me to their fair neck of the woods to give my New Treatments for PMS (Panic Marketing Syndrome) talk. PMS is that “disease” that creatives often have, where they do little to no marketing when busy, then the phone stops ringing, then they frantically market, then stop again when they get a project…rinse, repeat. The result is feast/famine cashflow and a bad set of nerves, usually. But there are things you can do to get your marketing under control. In this talk, I’ll tell you some of them. And, of course, there will be plenty of time for Q&A too.
That event will be on Monday, October 23rd. On the following day (10/24) I will be available for one-on-one consultations–both in one-hour (ish) and two-hour (ish) blocks. Discounts are available to ASMP members. Call (619.961.5882) or email for details.
I’m excited about the trip and look forward to meeting lots of you there! Book now to be sure of space! And thanks to Steve Niedorf of ASMP-MSP and all the companies who are helping sponsor my trip.