Catching up

There are a gazillion things going on these days in photography, business, the law, and, well, my life. I’ve been a bit bad about keeping you all informed on this blog so here is a quickie attempt to catch up, just a bit.

1) I am moving (yes, again) on Monday 8/15 and so will likely be offline and unavailable for that day at least. I’m hoping to be up-and-running soon after, however.

2) The BAP Oil Change is currently on sale! $75 off this service. Using your online list service account (like Adbase or Agency Access) I will build lists for you, filling them with highly targeted people and companies. Because the lists are better targeted, they’ll increase the efficiency of your marketing. Contact me for more information on this and all my services.

3) Twitter now has its own photo service. I don’t like it because it contracts with Photobucket to provide the service. Twitter’s ToS aren’t horrible, but Photobucket’s are. Twitter is trying to say their ToS apply, but I’m not so sure there isn’t a scary backdoor there. Better to do what I keep suggesting: keep your work on your own servers and post links instead.

4) Google+ seems to be foundering a bit. I know for me at least, I’m not liking it more and more. I’m hearing this from others although many photographers, especially in the fine art realm, seem to love it. Basically, don’t look for me much there. I’ve got enough with Facebook & Twitter and this blog and my legal site, etc.

5) I’ll soon have a big announcement for APA-San Diego members, over on my legal services site. Stay tuned over there for that.

6) I’m considering adding a new service (yes, for a fee) where small groups of photographers and I would have monthly phone/Skype meetings. We could discuss marketing and business issues in a supportive environment, share what works, what flops, give assignments, and encourage each other. If you have any interest in this, please let me know.

7) The Android version of my BAP2Go app is ready and will be available soon. I’m waiting on one thing and then it will be submitted and available! Look for an announcement about that very soon!

Okay, that’s a bit of a catch up. Thanks for your patience.

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