If you take a couple of days off, when you come back you’ll feel recharged and you’ll probably find you have work to do. Both are good things. I’m in that situation now so, in an effort to play a bit of catch-up, here are a few items….
Orphan Works legislation:
The government is still trying to change the copyright laws in ways that, while on the surface sound good to the average person, will actually significantly negatively impact a creative’s livlihood. Stay abreast of the news on this topic (the Illustrators’ Partnership is great for this) and stay active! Write letters and make calls to your legislators. We are making a difference!
I’ve spoken and written about doing what you love and working past fear–these are important ideas for your career. I think this article by Rick Landesberg (geared to designers, but it mostly holds true for almost all creatives) speaks very well on these issues, especially the passion part.
And lastly, I’ve just had a fabulous tour of the new Livebooks version 5. Somehow they have managed to make a great suite of products even better.
Ricks article is a “has absolutely to be readen” article. Thanks for posting it !