Holiday Gift

To my dear clients, today as my holiday gift to you all, I sent a donation on your behalf to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Today, we need to do all we can not only to protect our livelihoods, but also to protect our democracies.  A strong free press, both in verbal and visual media, is our greatest tool to keep America, and other countries, free. When combined with an independent judiciary, the greater good always wins.

The CJP is not just about the American press, of course. Journalists are under threat all over. Still, I suspect that many of my non-US clients would like us to get our ship righted so that we can once again be the beacon of liberty, backed by our strength of purpose and resolve. I am happy that I have the resources to make this donation to help this cause.

I would not be able to do this if it were not for you, my clients. Your continued trust in me is deeply appreciated. I am proud of the work I do for each of you and honored that you choose me to help you protect your rights and run your creative businesses.

Here is to a better 2019 for us all.

And thank you, every one of you.


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