Long Time No See

You may have noticed that I haven’t posted in a while; in almost a year, to be more accurate. I have no excuse other than this: I’m human and it’s been a hell of a year, or two. 

We all have had a hell of a year, or two. 

Professionally, during this time, the most important thing has been my clients. That is, I have been putting all my work energies into taking care of their business, their cases, their needs. My clients will always be my priority when it comes to my professional life; and 2021 ended up being a successful year for many of their matters, happily. But, when they were taken care of, I found I had to devote my energy to taking care of myself and my loved ones. Things like blogging about the law took a lower position. 

Life in the pandemic made everything quotidian much more difficult, turning things like the previous quick runs to the grocery into a bigger, rarer shopping trip, with masks and (at first) gloves and long lines. Everyone had to deal with that, of course. We added in the rearing a Blue Heeler puppy, which is joyful and frustrating in ping-ponging measures, and a general time suck, and totally worth it. 

Mongo Santamaria with Ruth Bader Catzburg

At home, we had the unexpected COVID-related death of my boyfriend’s father and trying to help plan his military burial months later when COVID restrictions permitted. Sadly, he left virtually no specific instructions as to his wishes, despite having a decent estate plan otherwise. I mention the last not to speak ill of the dead but rather, wearing my lawyer’s hat, to ask you to not be like that—please leave instructions in your estate plan for what you want/don’t want for your funeral/memorial—your family will be greatly relieved. On the other side, when someone you love dies, please follow the instructions of the executor (or a lawyer, especially if there is no trust/will) rather than going off on your own and trying to, say, sell their car before the title has been correctly transferred or giving away the deceased’s personal items, even if you think it would be helpful. Yes, we had to deal with that happening, too.

Anyway, whether it was general life stuff or the dog or family or the estate stuff or work, the mental load was more arduous than the physical. Again, this is true for everyone. Also, the political situation here in the USA has added to general stress, and now we’re facing an aggressive Russia, invading Ukraine, for extra yikes. 

So, while I wish I had been better about blogging here, I will say I’m not beating myself up too much about it. I learned shortly after I started law school that taking a step back to make sure that you are taking care of yourself is important. That can mean saying “no” to more things than you expect to or changing your priorities as your life changes. It’s okay to not do everything, in fact, it’s likely better to do less to do it well.

I hope you each take the time to look at what really matters in your life now and set your priories based on that. Be proud of what you have accomplished, especially if you have managed to stay in business during the pandemic, but don’t let your business be the only thing that matters. Be there for your loved ones rather than pushing for that extra buck, too. 

All that being said, I hope to step up and be more active here in the coming days and months. Since my mentor Carolyn Wright shut down her PhotoAttorney blog (to enjoy a well-earned retirement), I feel the need to step into the gap as much as I can.